A post of sigfpe discusses
spreadheets (and much more). He defines a beautiful function
> loeb :: Functor a => a (a x -> x) -> a x
> loeb x = fmap (\a -> a (loeb x)) x
which allows one to define something similar to a (one dimensional)
> spreadsheet1 = [length,\x -> x!!0]
loeb spreadsheet1
. It can be made more compelling with help of some sugar that makes functions into things we can add and subtract:
> instance Show (x -> a)
> instance Eq (x -> a)
> instance (Num a,Eq a) => Num (x -> a) where
> fromInteger = const . fromInteger
> f + g = \x -> f x + g x
> f * g = \x -> f x * g x
> negate = (negate .)
> abs = (abs .)
> signum = (signum .)
then we can define a more interesting spreadsheet:
> spreadsheet2 = [ (!!5), 3, (!!0)+(!!1), (!!2)*2, sum . take 3, 17]
loeb spreadsheet2
However the functions living in each cell are
absolute. If it
were Excel, they would have dollar signs in them. Normal functions in a
spreadsheet are best consider to be using
relative addressing
(this observation is due to JS). At this point you should read
the second inspiration for this post, again by sigfpe where he discusses
comonads and zippers.
Repeating his definitions here, we make
into the zipper
derived from a list and define functions to walk left and right along
the list. We also make it into a functor.
> data U x = U [x] x [x]
> right (U a b (c:cs)) = U (b:a) c cs
> left (U (a:as) b c) = U as a (b:c)
> instance Functor U where
> fmap f (U a b c) = U (map f a) (f b) (map f c)
It turns out that
is a comonad, but all we'll
ignore that and simply define the following two oddly-named
> cojoin a = U (tail $ iterate left a) a (tail $ iterate right a)
> coreturn (U _ b _) = b
Next we define a function to walk an integer number of steps
along the zipper and a one to access the nth element.
> shift i u = (iterate (if i<0 then left else right) u) !! abs i
> at i u = coreturn (shift i u)
Armed with all this we can define a new
similar to sigfpe's except that it works in a relative way (which is
interesting) but is much less general, since it only works with
> uzipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> U a -> U b -> U c
> uzipWith op (U laa a raa) (U lbb b rbb) = U (zipWith op laa lbb) (op a b) (zipWith op raa rbb)
> uloeb :: U (U x -> x) -> U x
> uloeb ff = uzipWith ($) ff (cojoin (uloeb ff))
Finally we can define our Fibonacci spreadsheet.
> fibSpreadsheet = U (repeat 0) 1 (repeat (at (1) + at (2)))
(At this point it's hard not to think of
The Evolution of a Haskell Programmer.) Now to test it, we define
an obviously correct (and inefficient) computation of the Fibonacci
> fib 0 = 1
> fib 1 = 1
> fib n = fib (n1) + fib (n2)
> main = do let U _ _ rr = uloeb fibSpreadsheet
> print $ map fib [1..10] == take 10 rr
Two parting comments:
uloeb fibSpreadsheet
is, in fact, efficient.
- The definition of
could have used repeat
of iterate left
and iterate right
, in which case
would have ended up being an absolute version of this one,
i.e., it would have similar to sigfpe's loeb
except not as general.
is not as general as I might have hoped. It would be nice if
it worked with any functor, or perhaps comonad. Perhaps there is some other type class
lurking here.
1 comment:
Not just relative spreadsheets, infinite in both directions relative spreadsheets! :-)
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